Old Mulkey Meeting House Cemetery Monroe Co., Ky
Barbara & Kermit Breed copied the information below from the headstones in Mill Creek and Old Mulkey Meeting House Cemetery in Tompkinsville, Monroe Co., Kentucky. Names in parentheses are not carved on the tombstone but are indicated by their inscriptions what the name should be. "Aunt Rachel - Lived 102 years - Slave to her mistress". I believe Aunt Rachel is the Rachel Collins listed as one of the thirteen that formed the Church called Fair Forrest in South Carolina in 1760. She is also listed as one of the thirteen that formed Mill Creek in Monroe Co. Ky. in 1773.
Thomas Bartley - Pvt. M.D. Reg't Rev. War
Anne Beals - Born 23 June 1808 - Died 12 Sept. 1890
Isaac Beals - Born 25 Feb. 1805 - Died 15 Nov. 1882
Hannah Boone - Born in Berks Co., Pa. 24 Aug. 1746 - Died in Monroe Co., Ky. 1828
Squire Boone - Born in Penn. 5 Oct. 1744 - Died in Ind. (Built Travelers Rest)
Mary Harlan (Breed) - Wife of Nathan Breed Born 1784 in Pa. To Aaron & Sara Harlan
Nathan Breed - Lieut. Wood's Co., Va. Mil. Rev. War
Priscilla Avery Breed - 1742 - 1808 wife of Obadiah Howard
Thomas Brown - Monroe Co. - Drum Major 14 Va. Reg't Rev. War 17 Mar 1826
James Chism - Pvt. 2 Va. Reg't Rev. War
Mary Howard (Chism)- Born 1760 Married 1778 to James Chism Pvt. 2nd Virginia Reg't
Aunt Rachel - Lived 102 years - Slave to her mistress (Rachel Collins?)
Lawrence Conner - Pvt. Campbell Virginia Reg't Rev. War 17 March 1826
William Depp - Barren Co - Pvt. Harris Co.,Va. Troops Rev. War 19 Oct. 1834
Solomon Dickerson - Griffin's M.D.Reg't Rev. War
Eld Phillip Emmert - Born 10 March 1795 - Died 5 June 1859 "Our father has gone
to a mansion of rest to the glorious land by the daily blest."
William J. Emmert - Co. B 9th Ky. Inf.
Elizabeth B. (Gee) - Wife of J.J Gee born 21 March 1828 Died 30 Jan. 1878
Julia D. Gee - Born 16 Sept. 1865 Died 7 March 1867
Sally T. Gee - Daughter of J.J Gee & Elizabeth B.Gee Born 30 Jan. 1857 Died 23rd Aug. 1858
Taswell T. Gee - Son of J.J. & E.B. Gee Born 19 Sept. 1845 - Died 23 May 1877
John Giles - Sgt. Locke's Reg't. Rev. War
John Giss - Virginia State Troops Rev. War
Joseph Giss - Kentucky Indian Spy Sevier's N.C. Reg't Rev. War 30 July 1844
Matilda A.G. (Graven) - wife of C.M.Graven - Born 21 Oct. 1836 - Died 5 June 1870
Greenberry Hix - Born 29 Nov. 1817 - Died 6 Sept. 1865
Greenberry Hix - Nancy Hix - Grt. Grandparents of Mrs. Pearl Eagle Bushong
Christopher Howard - Born 1774 his wife Rebecca Hays
(Erected by Guy & Mont Comer & Alex Harlin)
Eleanor Y. Howard - Wife of Tolbert Thomas 20 June 1807 - 28 Jan. 1863
Ellis (Howard) - Son of J.L.& A.M. Howard B Born & died 30 July 1885
"Free from all care and pain asleep my body lies
until the Final Trumpet calls the dead to Christ."
Harmon Howard - Born 11 Feb. 1794 - Died 26 April 1855
Jane Howard - In Memory of - who was born in 1778 and died 24 Jan. 1855
Jesse Howard - Born 1795 - Died 1852
Lucy Mafield (Howard) - wife of Jesse Howard Born 1798 - Died 1861
Obadiah Howard - S.C, Mil. Rev. War
William Howard - Born 4 March 1__2 - Died 8 Oct.1848
Wm. G. Howard - Sacred - Born 11 May 1804 - Died 9 Nov. 1850
"Art, Elmira, Peggy and Gemima (Jackson) Son and Daughters of
Isaac Jackson and Lumira Hagan cousins of Stonewall Jackson".
Erected by the Steen Family.
Matthew Kidwell - Pvt. Hanson's M.D. REG'T Rev. War 1842
Luke Metheany - Monroe County - Pvt. Grayson's Va. Reg't Rev. War 4 Aug.1859
John Monroe - Cumberland Co. Pvt. 5 Va. Reg't Rev. War
John Morehead - Pvt. Triplett's Va. Co. Rev. War Aug.1845
Elder J.N. Mulkey - Departed this life 26 Sept. 1882 Aged 76 years 7 months & 15 days
John Pasner - Pvt. Neville's Va. Reg't Rev. War 24 Feb. 1844
Edward Petiford - Metcalf Co. Pvt. 3 Va. Reg't Rev. War 1835
Dora Philpott
Emley Hunter Philpott - Wife of L.E. Philpott
Jerry Prophet - Born 9 Aug. 1862 - Died 29 Jan. 1848
G.S. Silvey
Fleming Smith - Pvt. Thomas' C. Troop Rev. War
Mary A. Steen - 6 April 1822 - 6 June 1871
W.B. Steen - 10 Mar 1814 - 3 Jan.1865
Edward Stewart - Co. B 9th Ky. Inf.
Elizabeth Breed (Thomas) - 1790 - 1825 wife of Tolbert Thomas
John C. Thomas - In Memory of - Born 3 Mar.1831 - Died 8 Oct.1835
Samuel Thomas - 1776 - 1882
Sara Northcross (Thomas) - Wife of Samuel Thomas 1800
Talbert Thomas - 1780 - 1834
William Howard (Thomas) - Son of Tolbert & Eleanor Thomas 1830 - 1864
Thomas White - Born in Ireland 1758 - Died about 1835 Soldier in Rev. War Pvt.
(cook) under Gen. Frances Marion. Prepared and served to
Gen. Marion and British officer the famous dinner of potatoes.
Gen'l Samuel Wilson - 6 Dec. 1775 - 25 March 1831. Married Elizabeth Hughlett
"Patented and gave this ground for a Church."
Thomas Bartley - Pvt. M.D. Reg't Rev. War
Anne Beals - Born 23 June 1808 - Died 12 Sept. 1890
Isaac Beals - Born 25 Feb. 1805 - Died 15 Nov. 1882
Hannah Boone - Born in Berks Co., Pa. 24 Aug. 1746 - Died in Monroe Co., Ky. 1828
Squire Boone - Born in Penn. 5 Oct. 1744 - Died in Ind. (Built Travelers Rest)
Mary Harlan (Breed) - Wife of Nathan Breed Born 1784 in Pa. To Aaron & Sara Harlan
Nathan Breed - Lieut. Wood's Co., Va. Mil. Rev. War
Priscilla Avery Breed - 1742 - 1808 wife of Obadiah Howard
Thomas Brown - Monroe Co. - Drum Major 14 Va. Reg't Rev. War 17 Mar 1826
James Chism - Pvt. 2 Va. Reg't Rev. War
Mary Howard (Chism)- Born 1760 Married 1778 to James Chism Pvt. 2nd Virginia Reg't
Aunt Rachel - Lived 102 years - Slave to her mistress (Rachel Collins?)
Lawrence Conner - Pvt. Campbell Virginia Reg't Rev. War 17 March 1826
William Depp - Barren Co - Pvt. Harris Co.,Va. Troops Rev. War 19 Oct. 1834
Solomon Dickerson - Griffin's M.D.Reg't Rev. War
Eld Phillip Emmert - Born 10 March 1795 - Died 5 June 1859 "Our father has gone
to a mansion of rest to the glorious land by the daily blest."
William J. Emmert - Co. B 9th Ky. Inf.
Elizabeth B. (Gee) - Wife of J.J Gee born 21 March 1828 Died 30 Jan. 1878
Julia D. Gee - Born 16 Sept. 1865 Died 7 March 1867
Sally T. Gee - Daughter of J.J Gee & Elizabeth B.Gee Born 30 Jan. 1857 Died 23rd Aug. 1858
Taswell T. Gee - Son of J.J. & E.B. Gee Born 19 Sept. 1845 - Died 23 May 1877
John Giles - Sgt. Locke's Reg't. Rev. War
John Giss - Virginia State Troops Rev. War
Joseph Giss - Kentucky Indian Spy Sevier's N.C. Reg't Rev. War 30 July 1844
Matilda A.G. (Graven) - wife of C.M.Graven - Born 21 Oct. 1836 - Died 5 June 1870
Greenberry Hix - Born 29 Nov. 1817 - Died 6 Sept. 1865
Greenberry Hix - Nancy Hix - Grt. Grandparents of Mrs. Pearl Eagle Bushong
Christopher Howard - Born 1774 his wife Rebecca Hays
(Erected by Guy & Mont Comer & Alex Harlin)
Eleanor Y. Howard - Wife of Tolbert Thomas 20 June 1807 - 28 Jan. 1863
Ellis (Howard) - Son of J.L.& A.M. Howard B Born & died 30 July 1885
"Free from all care and pain asleep my body lies
until the Final Trumpet calls the dead to Christ."
Harmon Howard - Born 11 Feb. 1794 - Died 26 April 1855
Jane Howard - In Memory of - who was born in 1778 and died 24 Jan. 1855
Jesse Howard - Born 1795 - Died 1852
Lucy Mafield (Howard) - wife of Jesse Howard Born 1798 - Died 1861
Obadiah Howard - S.C, Mil. Rev. War
William Howard - Born 4 March 1__2 - Died 8 Oct.1848
Wm. G. Howard - Sacred - Born 11 May 1804 - Died 9 Nov. 1850
"Art, Elmira, Peggy and Gemima (Jackson) Son and Daughters of
Isaac Jackson and Lumira Hagan cousins of Stonewall Jackson".
Erected by the Steen Family.
Matthew Kidwell - Pvt. Hanson's M.D. REG'T Rev. War 1842
Luke Metheany - Monroe County - Pvt. Grayson's Va. Reg't Rev. War 4 Aug.1859
John Monroe - Cumberland Co. Pvt. 5 Va. Reg't Rev. War
John Morehead - Pvt. Triplett's Va. Co. Rev. War Aug.1845
Elder J.N. Mulkey - Departed this life 26 Sept. 1882 Aged 76 years 7 months & 15 days
John Pasner - Pvt. Neville's Va. Reg't Rev. War 24 Feb. 1844
Edward Petiford - Metcalf Co. Pvt. 3 Va. Reg't Rev. War 1835
Dora Philpott
Emley Hunter Philpott - Wife of L.E. Philpott
Jerry Prophet - Born 9 Aug. 1862 - Died 29 Jan. 1848
G.S. Silvey
Fleming Smith - Pvt. Thomas' C. Troop Rev. War
Mary A. Steen - 6 April 1822 - 6 June 1871
W.B. Steen - 10 Mar 1814 - 3 Jan.1865
Edward Stewart - Co. B 9th Ky. Inf.
Elizabeth Breed (Thomas) - 1790 - 1825 wife of Tolbert Thomas
John C. Thomas - In Memory of - Born 3 Mar.1831 - Died 8 Oct.1835
Samuel Thomas - 1776 - 1882
Sara Northcross (Thomas) - Wife of Samuel Thomas 1800
Talbert Thomas - 1780 - 1834
William Howard (Thomas) - Son of Tolbert & Eleanor Thomas 1830 - 1864
Thomas White - Born in Ireland 1758 - Died about 1835 Soldier in Rev. War Pvt.
(cook) under Gen. Frances Marion. Prepared and served to
Gen. Marion and British officer the famous dinner of potatoes.
Gen'l Samuel Wilson - 6 Dec. 1775 - 25 March 1831. Married Elizabeth Hughlett
"Patented and gave this ground for a Church."